Rolpin Bati Pyro Euroclasse B s2 d0 is a plywood made of MARITIME PINE (French origin). Used for furnishings, furniture, joinery, Rolpin Pyro is applied where aesthetics and wood grain are important.
Format: 2500 x 1250 mm

The Plus :
Decorative panels
– NF Exterior CTB-X Structure
– Environmentally friendly
– Euroclass B-s2, d0 treatment

Where to find this product?

rolpin-pyro-face rolpin-pyro-contre-face

See the two sides above:

Product features

Face Closed side, without knots and with wood pellets (max 5/m²). Occasional mastic repairs
Counterface Closed face, with sound knots and wood pellets. Occasional mastic repairs
Finish The 2 faces are sanded
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